Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
I've been out 18 years and I never had even one day of regret.
Yes you have broken the yolk.....and now anything is possible.
Good job!
it's done.. during the last month i've been talking with my closest friends about leaving the org and yesterday i finally talked with my parents.. it's been almost 5 months after i said that i would do it, but i think that this extra time has been beneficial.
i've said several times that i would opt for sending a resignation letter, but after talking to my best friends some of them suggested me becoming inactive and blocking my congregation's elders.
i've changed my mind and i will do that because the people that i care the most now know what's going on so they won't be worrying about me not attending the meetings.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
I've been out 18 years and I never had even one day of regret.
Yes you have broken the yolk.....and now anything is possible.
Good job!
last sunday's watchtower tells the story of a man who:.
was baptized in 1908 at the age of 20. he was very confident that he would soon receive his reward.
in fact, when he proposed marriage in 1911, he told his prospective bride, pearl: “you know what is going to happen in 1914. if we are going to get married, we better do it soon!” did this christian couple give up the race for life when they did not receive their heavenly reward in 1914?
So we have completely screwed over hundreds of thousands of people's lifes....
All we have to say to that is.....
"Keep busy!"
i saw this sign (i'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.. yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations.
i'm sure today october 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.. have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?
because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets!
Great remarks for sure!
Don't get me wrong. I'm not down on marriage or even "falling in love" whatever that means?
Because I have been "in love" 5 times and married once in my 70 years on the planet.
All I'm saying is nothing stays the same, especially relationships.
i saw this sign (i'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.. yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations.
i'm sure today october 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.. have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?
because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets!
I saw this sign (I'm sure the bride must have bought it) at a wedding rehearsal dinner yesterday.
Yes, the smiling bride was there ordering her soon to be groom around as they were setting up their party decorations. I'm sure today October 5th will would be the happiest day of their young lives.
Have you ever noticed that many movies end at the wedding ceremony?
Why is this? Because for the vast majority of marriages that is the best it ever gets! The pinnacle point of love.
Fast forward five, ten or fifteen years and with most people the bloom is off the rose.
Of course, there are couples that have been together 30, 40 and even 50 years but we all know they are the exceptions to the rule not the norm.
With the vast majority of people divorcing once, twice or even three times and if you look inside any Kingdom Hall they are not immune to this norm either. If fact their percentages my be even higher because of their children wanting marriages at at a time in their young live they barely know themselves let alone someone else.
So why does this seem to be the case?
Why for most of us we seem to have more than just one "soul mate" in our lives?
How and why is it that we seem to fall "in love" and "out of love" so easily?
I guess the Buddhist said it perfectly "Everything changes"
Simply put we change!
At the same time the person we are with, the love of our lives. changes too.
Who knows maybe love is like milk cartons they all have an expiration date on them. Maybe yours is 60 years of maybe it is 60 about 60 minutes?
Enjoy your milk while it is still fresh because it will.... change.
hey, how come no singles in here?
suppose we open up a bar in here?
would you come to a singles bar?
Thanks for checking in....see you in another 19 years
... "has brexit been sorted out yet?
Billions of people dead and all Satan gets is a long prison term!
left the jw’s as a teenager; as with most exjws i have struggled throughout the years with being a successful adult.
i have recently starting addressing some of the psychological trauma of my childhood, and i wonder if anyone else here can identify with any of these self limiting beliefs:.
- pursuit of wealth is bad (i.e.
As they say "You check out but you can leave!"
Time to deprogram yourself.
Sadly, I was in this thought contamination for over 50 years and out for 18.
Just like a person who has gone into combat, I must say a part of the experience it will always be with me until the day I die.
hi i’m getting disfellowshipped on thursday and was wondering what advice those that have left have for me.
i’m not sure if i still believe or not.
My advice is investigate the religion were in. Like many of us here while we were in it....we never really studied the real history of the religion.
I never did while I was in it for over 50 years.
You might find out that leaving it was the best thing possible.
for those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.
Thank you everyone!
Yes, I did just have it re edited for the third. Hopefully most if not all the typos are gone now.
Please write a review on Amazon if you can. Thanks again!
for those of you that have not got my book new boy yet, it will be free for down load on amazon books.
you can down load it on your kindle for the next 30 days at no cost.
enjoy keith.